We believe that everyone has something unique to offer. We offer a variety of ministries and programs designed to help you grow in your faith and explore new possibilities.
We have lots of different ways you can serve here at FirstNaz. If you’ve been thinking about wanting to get plugged in or maybe aren’t sure how, consider joining a team! Click the button below to learn more about our teams!
Our yearly chili cook-off is a great way to grab some food after church and support FirstNaz Youth! All of the donations will go directly into the pockets of students for trips, camps, and events put on by FirstNaz Youth. Join us Sunday, February 9 right after our second service for some chili,
College is such a formative time of life. One way we are trying to share the love of Christ with college students is through our First Families ministry. Many students are making life-changing decisions away from home, on their own for the first time, and are sometimes feeling isolated. We want to be able to provide a home away from home for students who desire that. This is a time you can be there for encouragement, prayer, a cup of coffee or lunch out, or even a home cooked meal.
We believe that there’s always a next right step in your walk with the Lord. See some of the different ways you can take that step!
Our goal is to engage 5% of Knox County in active ministry and to celebrate the baptism of 500 people before the year 2030. We believe behind every person baptized is a story of life transformation. Consider letting us celebrate that transformation with you.